Business Plan for the establishment of a solar plant powering the New Aswan Heart Centre
Sir Magdi Yacoub, the world renowned cardiac surgeon, had an inspired vision to combat heart disease in Egypt. He asked Evenflow to help the Magdi Yacoub Foundation set up a business case to make the New Aswan Heart Centre – a centre of excellence to combat heart disease in Egypt – completely powered by renewable energy. To that end, Sir Magdi asked Evenflow to elaborate a business plan for the development of a solar farm in the adjacent area of the hospital.
Solution: Evenflow teamed up with solar energy experts and developed an advanced economic modelling tool that can run different investment scenarios – based on the exact location and associated solar radiation potential, the use of different technologies (PVs or CSPs), and the expected consumption.
“The business plan produced by Evenflow, combining robust economic modelling with evidence-based solar energy potential forecasts, has helped our decision-making process in the effort to implement an off-site solar farm for the New Aswan Heart Centre in Egypt.” – Sir Magdi Yacoub, Founder of the Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation
About Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation: The Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation (MYF) – an Egyptian registered charity NGO – was founded in 2008 by Sir Magdi Yacoub, the late Dr. Ahmed Zewail and Ambassador Mohamed Shaker. MYF is running one of the exceptional projects of enormous significance to the health and wellbeing of the Egyptian people that is entirely based on donations: the Aswan Heart Centre (AHC).